Sunday, November 21, 2010


We read with awe about Christian soldiers and martyrs, how they fought unceasingly whether exhausted, starved, faint, or afraid, and we wonder if we could do the same or if we’d give in to fear and weakness. We wonder if we’ll ever be put to such a test.

The answer is yes, we are constantly tested in this way whether we realize it or not. A major period of testing comes when we go to prayer. Prayer can be a battle as serious and important as any recorded in history. It’s our chance to show God what kind of soldier we are, how sincerely we desire His help and guidance, and how much we love Him. It is a battle to pray when we’re not inclined to pray, when were too tired to pray, or when we have no time to pray. When we’re exhausted, sleepy, in pain, or weak we can ask God to be satisfied with a few words spoken in His behalf after we’re under our covers or we can be brave and prove we’re worthy soldiers of our Lord. And if we desire to be one of His mightiest soldiers, the ones who defend the front line, then we might kneel when we hurt too much to kneel, walk to a trysting place when we’re too tired to walk, and pray in faith when defeat and fear run rampant through our life.

In a minute’s time we can prove to ourselves and God what kind of soldier we are. If this were the only battle the Lord gave us, isn’t it a worthy battle?